Cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for 2022

For 2022, TVARS will provide a 3.5% COLA for eligible retirees and beneficiaries, the highest COLA since 2009 as a result of significant increases in the cost of many consumer goods during 2021. The TVARS Rules and Regulations provide that eligible retirement benefits (pension and supplemental benefits) will receive a COLA based on an inflation measure, which is the Consumer Price Index – All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) – an index maintained by the U.S. Labor Department that measures the price changes in a broad group of various goods and services purchased by consumers. Under the TVARS Rules, the COLA is…
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TVARS announces 2022 information on COLA, Interest Crediting Rates, Contribution Limits

TVARS has announced the following 2022 information of interest to employees and retirees. Cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for 2022 For 2022, the COLA for eligible retirees and beneficiaries will be 3.5%. The TVARS Rules and Regulations provide that eligible retirement benefits (pension and supplemental benefits) will receive a COLA based on an inflation measure, which is the Consumer Price Index – All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) – an index maintained by the U.S. Labor Department that measures the price changes in a broad group of various goods and services purchased by consumers. Under the TVARS Rules, the COLA is calculated as the…
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Brown Selected for New Term on TVARS Board

The TVA Retirement System (TVARS) Board of Directors held its quarterly meeting on September 13, 2021, and unanimously selected Marilyn Brown, who currently serves as the 7th director on the TVARS Board, to serve a new three-year term as its 7th director. Brown’s new term will run from November 1, 2021 to October 31, 2024. Brown retired in 2018 after a 27-year career with TVA, having last served as senior instrument foreman at Johnsonville Fossil Plant. The TVARS Board consists of seven members: three appointed by TVA, three elected by employees who are TVARS members, and one who is selected…
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TVARS Board Election Results

The TVA Retirement System (TVARS) recently accepted nominations for a three-year term as an elected member of the TVARS board of directors. At the close of the nomination period, the only nomination received was for Michael L. Belcher, who currently serves as an elected director on the board. The TVARS rules and regulations state in the event only one person is nominated for the director position to be filled, the board may declare such nominee elected without the necessity of formal balloting by the membership. Accordingly, the board has approved a resolution declaring Mr. Belcher re-elected as a director of…
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TVA Retirement System Board Approves TVARS Rules Amendment

In June 2021, the TVA Retirement System (TVARS) board approved amendments to Section 7C(3)(b) and Section 17 to the Actuarial Assumptions in the Appendix of the TVARS Rules and Regulations regarding the floor and ceiling in the calculation of the interest crediting rate for Cash Balance accounts of participants hired on or after January 1, 1996, and for Fixed Fund accounts. Please see the Notice of Amendment.
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Navigating the Basics: Learn more about your retirement benefits

How well do you understand your retirement benefits? Test your knowledge by attending the first workshop in the Retirement Building Blocks series: Navigating the Basics. Beginning in June, TVA Retirement System (TVARS) members can attend and learn more about the basics of their retirement benefits along with available services and tools to help with their retirement planning. During this virtual workshop, a TVARS Consultant and Fidelity Retirement Planners will navigate through the following topics: Review of the different TVARS retirement groups Overview of the pension, 401(k) Plan and other benefits How TVARS and Fidelity Investments can assist in your retirement…
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UPDATE: TVA Vetoes TVARS Rules Amendment

At its March 12, 2021, quarterly meeting, the TVA Retirement System (TVARS) board approved an amendment to Section 3(2) of the TVARS Rules and Regulations that would restrict any individual who is or was a participant in TVA’s Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (SERP) from being eligible to serve as a director on the TVARS board. TVARS presented notice of this amendment to TVA on April 12, 2021, for its review and consideration. The amendment would become effective May 12, 2021, unless vetoed by TVA within 30 days of the notice. On May 6, 2021, TVA provided notice of veto of…
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TVA’s 401(k) Plan Named Best-in-Class

When it comes to preparing employees for retirement, TVA continues to excel. In fact, a leading national publication has just recognized TVA’s 401(k) plan as “Best-in-Class” for a second time. Each year, PLANSPONSOR completes a rigorous review of the nation’s 401(k) plans and names a best-in-class list. TVA made the list for the first time in 2016. In 2021, TVA again joins such venerable names as DuPont, IBM, and Pfizer. “We have one of the best 401(k) retirement plans available,” said Mark Meigs, executive secretary of the TVA Retirement System (TVARS), which administers the 401(k) plan. “We are pleased that…
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TVA Retirement System Board Approves TVARS Rules Amendment

At its March 12, 2021, quarterly meeting, the TVA Retirement System (TVARS) board approved an amendment to Section 3(2) of the TVARS Rules and Regulations that would restrict any individual who is or was a participant in TVA’s Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (SERP) from being eligible to serve as a director on the TVARS board. Please see the Notice of Amendment.
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Feel more confident about your finances

Join TVARS and Fidelity during America Saves Week for any or all of these educational web workshops, where you’ll learn strategies and tips to help you manage your financial future with confidence. REGISTER NOW Identify and Prioritize Your Savings Goals If you want help saving for multiple goals: Get strategies and tips on prioritizing and funding your specific savings goals, like buying a new home or car, saving for a child’s college, and more.February 22, 2021 at 10:00 AM ET Manage Unexpected Events and Expenses With the current economic conditions, you may be evaluating how to make ends meet. This…
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