After 1996 Cash Balance, more than 10 years

Your Retirement Benefits at a Glance

Cash Balance Account

For employees who first became TVARS members on or after 1/1/1996 but before 7/1/2014 and have more than 10 years of TVARS service as of 10/1/2016.

Pay Credits Interest Credits
3% of eligible compensation

2024 Interest rate = 6.25%

Minimum = 4.75% (TVARS ROR minus 2%) 
Maximum = 6.25% (TVARS ROR minus 0.5%)

Supplemental Benefit

This benefit is provided to eligible retirees and eligible surviving spouses receiving a monthly pension payment.  This benefit may be used to pay for retiree medical insurance and is considered a taxable portion of your monthly retirement income.  To be eligible, terminating employees must be:

Actual age 55 at termination with at least 10 years of TVARS service, or

Actual age 50 at termination with at least 10 years of TVARS service if terminated due to an involuntary reduction in force (benefit begins at actual age 55)

Calculation of Supplemental Benefit
$11.5757 per month for each full year of TVARS service at retirement, plus an additional $94.20 per month.

*Eligible retirees who are age 60 or older are eligible for different amounts depending on the cost-of-living adjustments since turning age 60. To see your monthly supplemental benefit and how it is calculated, please log on to PLUS and view your personalized retirement benefit estimates under the Benefits section.

Read more about the supplemental benefit.

401(k) Savings and Deferral Plan

TVA offers you an additional incentive to save by providing a 401(k) Plan that includes matching contributions and an automatic non-elective contribution. Read more at Fidelity

401(k) Plan Matching 401(k) Plan Automatic Non-Elective Contribution
75 cents for each dollar contributed, up to 6% 3% of eligible compensation

Fixed and Variable Funds

You are no longer eligible to contribute to these funds but any balance in these funds will continue to receive interest. You may transfer these funds to the 401(k) Plan anytime during employment. Upon termination, you are not eligible to receive a monthly benefit from these funds. After 60 days, the Fixed Fund will cease to accrue additional interest. Your options with your funds are to withdraw your total balance or roll over your balance to an IRA or another qualified retirement plan.  Read more at Fidelity.

Cost-of-Living Adjustments After Retirement

Cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) may be available on the base pension portion of the monthly pension benefit.  Any adjustment is normally granted in January and is equal to the change in Consumer Price Index (CPI) minus .25% up to a maximum of 6%.  Read more at COLA FAQ

Cash Balance Summary

Cash Balance – Your Retirement Benefits.

Military Leave of Absence (MLOA)

TVARS Benefits related to MLOA