TVARS announces 2021 information on COLA, Interest Crediting Rates, Contribution Limits

TVARS has announced the following 2021 information of interest to employees and retirees. Cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for 2021 For 2021, the COLA for eligible retirees and beneficiaries will be 1.13%.The TVARS Rules and Regulations provide that eligible retirement benefits (pension and supplemental benefits) will receive a COLA based on an inflation measure, which is the Consumer Price Index – All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) – an index maintained by the U.S. Labor Department that measures the price changes in a broad group of various goods and services purchased by consumers. Under the TVARS Rules, the COLA is calculated as the percentage…
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2020 retirement benefit estimates now available online

Full-time annual employees may now view their 2020 personalized retirement benefit estimates in PLUS. The estimates will include projected retirement information for three dates, including 12-31-2020 and two future ages.  How to access your Retirement Estimates online: Employees can log into PLUS with their network ID and password. From the PLUS homepage, view your Retirement Estimates from the “Benefits” menu. Please note that some employees will not have retirement benefit estimates to view: Employees who were first hired on or after July 1, 2014Employees who are in the Original Benefit Structure and were rehired on or after Nov. 1, 2015Employees who are part-time or in…
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Cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for 2021

For 2020, the COLA for eligible retirees and beneficiaries will be 1.13%.The TVARS Rules and Regulations provide that eligible retirement benefits (pension and supplemental benefits) will receive a COLA based on an inflation measure, which is the Consumer Price Index – All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) – an index maintained by the U.S. Labor Department that measures the price changes in a broad group of various goods and services purchased by consumers. Under the TVARS Rules, the COLA is calculated as the percentage change in the average CPI-U for the period of November 2018 – October 2019 to the period November…
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TVARS Board Selects 7th Director – Marilyn Brown – November 2020

The TVA Retirement System Board of Directors (Board) held a special called meeting November 16, 2020 virtually via WebEx and unanimously voted to elect Marilyn Brown as the 7th Director on the TVARS Board for the term which runs through October 31, 2021. All current TVARS Board directors were present: Brian Child, Chair; Sam DeLay, Vice-Chair; Mike Belcher, Eric Davis, Jim Hovious, and Tina Wallace. Marilyn Brown retired in 2018 from Johnsonville Fossil Plant as Senior Instrument Foreman with twenty-seven years of service. The Board members look forward to working with her soon as she attends the next quarterly meeting…
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DeLay Wins TVARS Board Election

In the recent election for a director vacancy on the TVA Retirement System Board, employees voted to re-elect Samuel J. L. DeLay, senior program manager, Energy Use Technology, Operational Research & Support, Innovation & Research, Chattanooga. His new three-year term will run from Nov. 1, 2020, to Oct. 31, 2023. Of the 2,728 votes cast, DeLay received 1,508 (55.3 percent). Wesley M. Conkle received 660 (24.2 percent); Julia E. Koella received 560 votes (20.5 percent).
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Join Fidelity’s Navigating Market Volatility Webinar

With the market’s recent downturns, you may be concerned about the retirement savings you’ve worked so hard to build potentially being in jeopardy. Fidelity has created a new webinar to help you navigate the uncertainty and answer some of your most important financial questions. The Navigating Market Volatility webinar will answer questions such as: • Should I change how I’m invested to something less risky? • Should I move to cash right now? • How do I pull my money out of the market? • Why should I put more into my retirement savings plan? Three classes will be offered…
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Eric Davis Appointed to TVARS Board

TVA CEO Jeff Lyash has appointed Eric Davis to the TVA Retirement System Board effective April 1, 2020. Eric will replace Tammy Wilson on the TVARS Board.   Eric has 20 years of finance and investment experience at TVA and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. He currently serves as the Senior Manager, Investments in Treasury responsible for the management of TVA’s investment trust assets, including the Nuclear Decommissioning Trust and Asset Retirement Trust. Eric previously served in TVARS from 2010 to 2013. Tammy Wilson has served on the TVARS Board in various roles since May 10, 2010, including recently…
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TVARS Update – March 2020

TVARS staff and the TVARS Board are actively monitoring the financial markets, and are in ongoing discussions with our investment consultants and fund managers. TVARS wants to reassure TVA employees and retirees that TVARS has constructed a diverse portfolio that is designed to manage through these volatile times. We maintain liquid assets to ensure benefit payments will be made today and in the future, and we manage long-term to keep the Retirement System sound. TVARS encourages employees to use the same principles in their 401(k) as used in the pension funds, to hold a diversified portfolio of assets, to remain…
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Contacting TVARS

Effective Wednesday, March 18, TVARS employees are encouraged to begin working remotely to reduce the number of individuals in our facilities to promote social distancing. We are committed to and will do everything we can to provide you and/or your family with the same level of service and support you are accustomed to during this time. However, we do ask for your understanding in the event that you potentially experience any delays in service. The TVA Retirement System staff will be available by email or phone. Please email or call 800-824-3870.
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TVARS Message to Retirees and Beneficiaries

In these challenging times for our nation, your monthly retirement benefit payments are our top priority, and your TVA Retirement System staff is working effectively – and remotely – to continue our mission of service without interruption. During this time of uncertainty about the spread of the coronavirus and the financial markets volatility, I want to assure you that we are actively engaged to manage the TVARS funds to maintain the long-term viability of the System. The TVARS assets are invested in diversified assets managed by well-respected investment professionals with a long record of strong performance through challenging periods like…
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