Full-time annual employees first hired before July 2014 can now view their 2023 personalized retirement benefit estimates in PeopleGateway. The estimates will include projected retirement information for three dates, including March 31, 2023 and two additional future ages.
How to access your Retirement Estimates online
From the PeopleGateway dashboard, search for “Retirement Benefit Estimates” in the Search HR Portal box. You will then click “Retirement Estimates” from the results. Please note that some employees will not have retirement benefit estimates to view. They include:
- Employees who are in the Original Benefit Structure and were rehired within the last five years.
- Employees who are part-time or in leave without pay status.
- Employees in the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) or Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS).
These employees may contact the TVA Retirement System (TVARS) to request a retirement benefit estimate.