In a special called meeting, the TVA Retirement System (TVARS) board of directors has unanimously selected Mark Meigs as its new Executive Secretary. Mark will succeed Pat Brackett upon his retirement on September 30, 2019 after 37 years at TVA and 9 years serving as the Executive Secretary.

“The Executive Secretary position is of critical importance to the TVA Retirement System” said Brian Child, the chair of the TVARS Board. “While we congratulate Pat on his upcoming retirement and recognize his years of dedicated service to TVARS, we are excited to have someone with Mark’s capabilities ready to assume this role.”
Meigs, currently General Manager in Customer Delivery responsible for the relationship with 39 local power companies in the Northeast and Southeast districts, has been with TVA 17 years serving in various leadership roles across Financial Services and External Relations, including prior service with TVARS. Prior to joining TVA, Meigs worked in the financial services industry and served in the U.S. Army participating in the Desert Storm campaign. Meigs will be the 10th Executive Secretary in the TVARS’ 80-year history responsible for all aspects of administration. Meigs will also have a dual reporting role to Wilson Taylor, Vice President HR Operations Services, as Director of Retirement Services.
“Mark is an outstanding choice to be the next Executive Secretary,” said Taylor. “I congratulate Pat on his upcoming retirement, Mark on this new opportunity, and the TVARS Board for making such an outstanding selection.”
TVARS administers retirement benefits for 24,000 retirees and 9,700 employees through a defined benefit pension plan and a 401(k) plan. The pension plan currently has assets of $7.8 billion and pays over $700 million in benefits annually to retirees and beneficiaries. The 401(k) plan assets total $2.6 billion.